Sunday 30 September 2012

contents page

To create my contents page I used Microsoft publisher, I chose to use this software because I find it quite straight forward to use and it has all the tools I need to design a good magazine. To design my contents page I duplicated the page from the front cover so I would have the same background design on the magazine as I would like the theme for the magazine to be repetitive. I also used the text tool so I could add the text to the contents page, I also used a colouring tool so that I could colour the background in white to make the text stand out from the background but when I had done it the white stood out a bit too much so I used the transparent tool to make it just the right colour. For the heading of the page used a website called dafont as it has good font style designs so I used it to get a good font style for the page to make it stand out. I also put a background border behind the text to give the heading a bit more of an effect of the page.

Thursday 27 September 2012

what do i expect to see in a school magazine?

what do i expect to see in a school magazine?

In a school magazine i would expect to see some information about the school and what happens during school days, such as school trips and school interviews with staff and pupils to show the interest of everyone. Also a lot of information for the parents to read about which may be useful to them for the future. For an example times and dates of holidays, school trips and school activities that they can get involved in.
The language in the should be suitable for everyone that reads the magazine so it should be informal because it connects with the audience. It should inform us about all the people that have contributed to the magazine so we can find out whos intrests are in media and why they enjoy making the magazine. Also a wide range of people from staff to pupils to parents contributing information in the magazine so everyone will have the interest of reading inside the magazine instead of throwing it away. On the front of the magazine i would expect apealing images to catch the audiences attention to read the magazine because if there were boring images people may not fancy reading it. I would also expect the most important news on the front about the school or whats happening so that it attracts people to read the magazine.

front page

To create my front page i used microsoft publisher, i used this software because i tried photoshop and found it difficult to use as it was hard to enlarge pictures, however i used the lasso tool to cut out the picture for the main front image and also used the brightener tool to make the picture stand out. for my background i used an image from google and then replicated it on the page so that it would cover the whole of the page. In publisher i used the recolour and picture styles tools by changing the design of the picture into different shapes to give different effects. I also used a online website to design my headline, the website was called dafont.