Thursday 22 November 2012

preparation of magazine.

When preparing for my magazine I had to decide on a name for my magazine. I chose the name ‘Zinser’ as the name because I thought it was the name was quite catchy and quirky to use. The name Zinser is a very popular word but I think that it appeals to the magazine very well as I think it is a good name for a magazine as there aren’t a lot of magazines begin with the letter Z and also it isn’t easily forgotten. The price that I have chosen my magazine to be is £3.50 as I think that is a very reasonable price for a magazine and affordable as you find out the best gossip and music details within the magazine as well as it giving away free items in nearly every addition. There are also a lot of offers that could win you great prizes, so it is worth the price you pay for the magazine. Some magazines in the shops range from 2 pound and upwards without any free items so I think that the price I have chosen is a good price for my magazine. The representations of my magazine is teenage girls as the images on my magazine is of an teenage girl, it shows the girls in a positive light and how they have succeeded in the music industry. Unlike the media, as they are mostly stereotyped of being bad youth and connoted as not being as successful in now a day life. The images that I have put on my magazine are of a teenage girl, the front page image gives of a powerful effect as it portrays the subject as being a powerful person from the pose she is doing and also the shot type is a medium shot which gets most of her body in as you can see her body language and the clothing. The double page image is a close up shot and can only see the subjects face however she is looking to the side so it looks like she is looking towards the interview she is giving. The contents page image is also a close up shot but the subject is looking directly at the camera so it makes the audience feel involved. The audience of my magazine would probably be teenagers as I think teenagers are very involved in music gossip and like to know a lot about what is new like up coming chart music and what is out now in the top 40. The gender of my magazine would most likely be females as it shows a lot of images of females so this could make the females feel more involved with the magazine rather than males which would make them the primary audience. The males would be the secondary audience, as they might like the artist who is the main feature that week and could like the images. They could also like to read about the music gossip as the music information inside can be unisex so it would attract both genders. The age the magazine is aimed at is 13-21. 

Friday 16 November 2012

editing of image

For my contents page image i edited it on microsoft word and also windows photo gallery, i done this to make the image stand out more on my contents page. when i was using windows photo gallery i changed the contrast and brightness on it as it gave me a more proffessional look and effect towards the image. I only brightened the image up a little on the scale because i didnt want the image to be too bright, i also only moved the contast scale a little aswell as i was going to add another effect on microsoft word. When editing my photo on microsoft word i double clicked on the image so that the colour icon would appear, i then chose the effect 'colour tone' which gave the image a bit more colour to it. I liked the image after finishing using the effects and now the second image is my final image for my contents page.

annotation of contents page 3

first design of double page

This is my first design of my double page, to create this the software i have used is microsoft word.

When making my double page i used microsoft word, i chose this program because it is a easy software to use and it also lets you create a professional design in a simple way. I like the tools on word because it lets you move and resize your images and text around with ease. I also used the shape tool to create the arrow at the top so that i could add text 'zinser cover' to make the double page look realistic and proficient. I used the tool formating shape so that i could change the colour of the box to solid fill to no fill. The text tool is good to create a worthy design to make the double page look good. It lets you change the colour of your text and also what align you would want your text to be in. The bold tool makes the text you choose to stand out from the rest of the text. To move my image to the left hand side of the page i used a tool called wrap text, then i clicked on square so that i could move the image around without it wraping around the text. I also used the software adobe photoshop to edit my image. I used the cutting tool so that i could cut around the image so that it didnt have the background on my double page.

I chose this image to be on my double page because i think that it creates a possitive representation of the subject because she is posing but it gives of the impression that they are serious about her new career. The shot that i have used for this image is a close up shot because it captures the subjects emotion in the image which could give of representations that she is passionate about doing well and that nothing is going to stop her atchieving her goals. I also took the subjects photo on the side so that when i uploaded it to my double page it would look like the subject was facing the interview.

The colours i have used in my double page are the same colour scheme throughout my magazine. I have divided the colours up in my text so that the sub headings are in red and the text is black. I thought that this made the page look more professional becaause it lets the readers know where to look first and breaks down all the text to look at. The headline is also black because i think that it gives impact and draws your attention straight towards it.

To improve my double page i am going to make it more appealing because i dont think that it has alot of features on the page that makes it look like a real double page feature. I am going to add the page number at the bottom of the left hand page so that it gives the effect of realism. I am also going to add a quote in the text because i think that every good double page feature has a quote so i am going to add one where there is space.

first design contents page

This is my first design of my contents page, i created this design on microsoft word.

When making my contents page i used the software microsoft word because it is a software that is easy to use and can create my contents page in a professional way. In word it is easy to resize and move your images and text. You can also wrap text around your images to make it easier for you to move your images around the text or next to the text. With word i can also use the text box to create my text for the contents page and also decide wich align i would want to choose for my text to be in. I also made some of my text bold and italic so that it would give it more of a professional look to the text. The text on my contents page is very clear to read as the style of the font i have used is easily readable and also it is positioned in places where it is clear to read for an example the subheadings are in bold and the text underneath is just normal. Another tool that i used in word was the shape tool which helped me to create the rectangular boxes over the headings of each text. With these shaped i could change the colours of them by formating the shape which let me also make the box transparent. I made the boxes transparent so that the boxes werent bright grey and could also see the text that was underneath it.

I have chosen these images to go on my contents page because i think that the main image of the subject is striking and also eye catching. This image is also a positive representation as she looks important and successful and shows that she is just a down to earth person. The primary audience for my magazine are teenagers (13-25) who may see the girl in the image to be inspiring and a role model.The subject in the image is looking directly towards the audience which could make the readers feel more involved with the subject. When i took this image i decided that i was going to do a close up shot because i thought that it would show the emotion and happiness of the girl with the success in her career and show her of in a possitive light. The sub images are what i took at the wanted concert which are taken from a long shot to show all of the members in the group, it could show representations that the group are strong and connected.

The colours that are used in the contents page are the same colours from my front page because i wanted to stick to a certain colour scheme because i think that the colours will represent the zinser magazine and will be appealing. Also i think that all the colours work well together and have a strong impact on the page because of the colour choice. Im going to replicate the colour scheme throughout the whole magazine. I also think that the colours red and black have strong connotations, the colour red could be seen as the colour of love and the black could represent danger which could overall mean that she is a loveable person but could also be dangerous in getting what she wanted to atchieve.

To improve my contents page i think that im going to resize the main image smaller because i think that it is too large and could add more pieces of information in place of the large image. I am going to add a editoral on the page because i think it makes the page look more professional.

Thursday 15 November 2012

3 original images

These are my 3 main images that i have used for my front page, contents page and double page spread. I have chosen these images because i think each one of them are very appealing and attractive which would draw the reader attention towards each of the pages i am using them for. The third image is used on my front page, i have chosen that image to be on the front because i think it is a really good image and it is a good medium shot that shows most of the subject so it will be be a good shot to have on the front as it will draw the reader attention, it also shows on the clothing the image is wearing so it could give fashion inspiration for the readers.
The first image i have chosen for my contents page because the subject it looking directly towards the camera which makes the audience feel involved with the person. It is also a clear and appealing photo so it will hopefully stand out against the contents page. The image is also a close up shot which shows the subject very close to her face, this could give makeup ideas to the readers.
 The second photo i have chosen to use this image on the double page spread because the subject is looking towards the text on the double page which gives the effect that the subject is looking at the interview that she has given. This is a good effect because it makes the readers feel that she is also interested in her story as well as everyone else. The image is a close up shot which shows her face very closely but in a different way as she is looking to the side to look towards the text.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

flat plan of double page spread

This is the flat plan of my double page spread, i have chose to design the page like this because i think it will look effective when it is finished by using a large image on one section of the page and then filling the other section with text from the music artist.

flat plan of contents page

This is the flat plan of what i would like my contents page to look like,  i have took some ideas from other contents pages and put it all together on my flat plan to make it hopefully look like my real contents page.

flat plan of front page

This is the flat plan of what i would like my front page of my magazine to look like when i have completed it, i have designed the flat plan the way i think it would look good for when i have eventually finished. I have annotated the flat plan so that i remember what specific ideas i would like to put on the front page.

annotation double page 3

Friday 9 November 2012

first design of magazine front

To create my front cover the software i used was microsoft publisher, this software allows you to design and create banners, certificates, flyers and alot more. There are alot of tools that i used on publisher to give my front page a professional look.I used the picture tool where you could wrap the text which meant that i could move the image round to where ever i needed to on the page with ease. I also used the recolour tool which i could click on to change my image to transparent that made the background clear so that i could have just my image on the white background. The plug on my front page was created by the shape tool where i could make a circle shape, i could change the colour of the shape by formatting it so i could have it the colour to match my colour scheme. If i needed to change the shape the tools on publisher make it much easier to use as you can resize and move it about.

For my front page i have chosen to use the colours black red and grey because i think that these colours work well together and give of a strong connoation as the red and black colour represent the colours of danger. I think that it also portrays the subject in the image to being powerful and dangerous aswell. I want to keep these colours throughout my magazine and have these colours as my house style. The text that i have used on my front page are quite big and bold so that it grabs the readers attention to my front page. Ive used the masthead in a big font and also the text 'rebecca' because i think that these are important text for the front page. The text 'rebecca' indicates that the main feature is going to be about someone called rebecca. Also with the text on the page i have used the text that i want to stand out in a different colour to the other text because i think that it will draw the readers attention towards the text.

For the main image on the front page i tried to give a representation of a powerful and strong girl by the pose that the subject is doing. It shows that they are serious about the whole music career and gives of representations that she will be successful from the passion she has for her music career. The image is also looking up towards the masthead which gives an effect that she is looking up to her music career. The image is also of a young attractive female that will draw the secondry audiences attention who are male, the image may make the audience buy the magazine and read on. The primary audience may be inspired by the subject as a strong women. The image for my front page is eye catching and very appealing as it is a strong and influential image that would capture the readers attention towards the magazine to buy it. I took this image in a room with white walls so that it would look like the subject was in an actual photo studio and so i could edit the image to make the background white. I took a medium shot of the subject because i think that it was the perfect shot to use because you can see the detail of the subjects makeup, hair and clothing which could inspire some girls of the same fashion.

To improve my front page i am going to change some of the text fonts so that i have a variety of different fonts, im also going to resize some of the fonts to make them bigger to fill in more of the front page. Im also going to add more text in the headline box at the top of the page. I dont think that im going to keep the quote on the front page because i dont think that it is very appealing and would look better without it.

annotation of contents page 2

annotation of contents page