Thursday 15 November 2012

3 original images

These are my 3 main images that i have used for my front page, contents page and double page spread. I have chosen these images because i think each one of them are very appealing and attractive which would draw the reader attention towards each of the pages i am using them for. The third image is used on my front page, i have chosen that image to be on the front because i think it is a really good image and it is a good medium shot that shows most of the subject so it will be be a good shot to have on the front as it will draw the reader attention, it also shows on the clothing the image is wearing so it could give fashion inspiration for the readers.
The first image i have chosen for my contents page because the subject it looking directly towards the camera which makes the audience feel involved with the person. It is also a clear and appealing photo so it will hopefully stand out against the contents page. The image is also a close up shot which shows the subject very close to her face, this could give makeup ideas to the readers.
 The second photo i have chosen to use this image on the double page spread because the subject is looking towards the text on the double page which gives the effect that the subject is looking at the interview that she has given. This is a good effect because it makes the readers feel that she is also interested in her story as well as everyone else. The image is a close up shot which shows her face very closely but in a different way as she is looking to the side to look towards the text.

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