Friday 9 November 2012

first design of magazine front

To create my front cover the software i used was microsoft publisher, this software allows you to design and create banners, certificates, flyers and alot more. There are alot of tools that i used on publisher to give my front page a professional look.I used the picture tool where you could wrap the text which meant that i could move the image round to where ever i needed to on the page with ease. I also used the recolour tool which i could click on to change my image to transparent that made the background clear so that i could have just my image on the white background. The plug on my front page was created by the shape tool where i could make a circle shape, i could change the colour of the shape by formatting it so i could have it the colour to match my colour scheme. If i needed to change the shape the tools on publisher make it much easier to use as you can resize and move it about.

For my front page i have chosen to use the colours black red and grey because i think that these colours work well together and give of a strong connoation as the red and black colour represent the colours of danger. I think that it also portrays the subject in the image to being powerful and dangerous aswell. I want to keep these colours throughout my magazine and have these colours as my house style. The text that i have used on my front page are quite big and bold so that it grabs the readers attention to my front page. Ive used the masthead in a big font and also the text 'rebecca' because i think that these are important text for the front page. The text 'rebecca' indicates that the main feature is going to be about someone called rebecca. Also with the text on the page i have used the text that i want to stand out in a different colour to the other text because i think that it will draw the readers attention towards the text.

For the main image on the front page i tried to give a representation of a powerful and strong girl by the pose that the subject is doing. It shows that they are serious about the whole music career and gives of representations that she will be successful from the passion she has for her music career. The image is also looking up towards the masthead which gives an effect that she is looking up to her music career. The image is also of a young attractive female that will draw the secondry audiences attention who are male, the image may make the audience buy the magazine and read on. The primary audience may be inspired by the subject as a strong women. The image for my front page is eye catching and very appealing as it is a strong and influential image that would capture the readers attention towards the magazine to buy it. I took this image in a room with white walls so that it would look like the subject was in an actual photo studio and so i could edit the image to make the background white. I took a medium shot of the subject because i think that it was the perfect shot to use because you can see the detail of the subjects makeup, hair and clothing which could inspire some girls of the same fashion.

To improve my front page i am going to change some of the text fonts so that i have a variety of different fonts, im also going to resize some of the fonts to make them bigger to fill in more of the front page. Im also going to add more text in the headline box at the top of the page. I dont think that im going to keep the quote on the front page because i dont think that it is very appealing and would look better without it.

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